Sunday, 2 March 2014

March 2014

It being Spring, it was decided the time was right to have a Spring Cleanout.  So things were sorted indoors, and notices were posted around town announcing 'Brocante, 23 Mars, Quai Tchekov, apres midi'.  We waited with bated breath.  But the weather and local elections were against us.  NEVER have there been so few passers-by!   Funnily enough we ended up with more 'things' than we began with, as our neighbours, Mike and Gloria, had added to the pile!!!  So now its off to the Catholic church charity shop.

Where is everyone?

We did have an amusing evening presenting children passing by with balloons that Mike had made.
Today it was such a glorious day, there was lots of work we could have done, and some washing waiting to be done, but as it was 'Grand-mere's Day' here in France, we decided to go out for the day. We got our bikes and Tashi's carriage out, prepared a picnic and cycled 5K to Chatillon. As usual Tashi received many endearing smiles, as passers by see her with her head peering out from behind Ni's bike, as she leans to one side to see where we are headed!   We cycled across 'The Pont' here in Briare and headed for our picnic spot by the marina in Chatillon. As it was the first time we've had our bikes out since last year, the leg muscles have definitely been stretched.  After our return two Dutch acquaintances passed by our boat, so we invited them onboard for tea. Which was a perfect end to the day.

So now we have been across 'The Pont' by boat, walked and cycled across it.