Sunday, 1 March 2015

March 2015

Spring is in the air.

Wild violets, both purple and white, are flowering along the canal banks. A duck has made her 'nest' in the hollowed root of a poplar tree.

Good camouflage!
The town trees (and Tashi) get their annual 'hair cut'.

The city of Gien closes the main road for a week where the annual Spring Fair is held. So we went  along to see what was on offer.  It was a mixture of displaying farm implements and livestock, classic cars, garden structures, food and drink from the local areas, and the usual market stalls. Great fun.

The new puppy has arrived! Fellow boaters have at last collected their puppy named Yetti.

Yes folks, it's a Tibetan!
Our neighbours on Blue Gum had a new sofa delivered! After much heaving and shoving it finally went in through their 'dog box'.  We tried to refrain from "Right said Fred ...."

Thank heaven for 'Dog Boxes'

Boats are on the move. The first 'Bumper Boat' was seen leaving port on Friday 13 March! Hope it all went well. Another boat had slower progress through the Pont Henri IV.
That's NEVER going to under the bridge.! How about taking off the railings?
We order a new fridge on 7 March, as ours was becoming unreliable. But after two weeks nothing had arrived. We thought it would be a good idea to pull out the old fridge before the new one arrived, just in cast there was a problem getting it out - there was!  So we are living in smaller space than usual.

This delightful little Mandarin duck accompanies Tashi and me on our early morning walk.

He's the cutest!