Saturday, 1 April 2017

APRIL 2017

Good heavens April already. Where did the time go? I guess we were so busy we didnt have time to write up a blog.
We enjoyed a 'Haggis' evening in the restaurant 'Sparks' with other bargees. Later in January a car was hired and we toured the medieval city of Fanjeux and Saissac,

Saisaac Chateau
 Passing through Revel we went to the emptied lake at St. Ferreol. So we need more rain to refill the lake, which had been emptied for repair work. Work done deliberately during the winter as this lake feeds the Canal du Midi.

We also visited Couiza, Quillan, and Chalabre.
Friends we wintered with in Briare visited for a few days, and took us to Castes and Lautrec. The latter home of the artist Toulouse-Lautrec. So called we were told, because he married into the Toulouse family to consolidate family estates.
Most of the rest of February and March seem to have been taken up with medical appointments for one or other of us (Ni, Tashi and me).
However the tedium was relieved for Ni by him visiting Bristol to share in the 18th birthday celebrations of our eldest grandson, Toby. 
Toby surrounded by cards and presents
Ni also managed a quick trip up to Dorset to see friends. On his return he gave me two sets of presents to be opened on Mothering Sunday. On checking when this was I found it was Grandmere's Day on 5th March. So I opened one present then and the other on 26th.  Twice the fun!
On 17th March we saw the first 'bumper' boat cruise through the port, a sure sign spring is on its way.
Our long awaited new doors for the wheelhouse finally arrived, but there was still much to-ing and fro-ing as the final touches were applied.

The old door
New doors
In between all these goings on, things got slowed down considerably due to Ni having a serious problem with his psoriasis, which required hospital treatment, and I was found to have dangerously high blood pressure.  So with both of us doped up with pills and potions we eased our way through the last few months of winter and into  spring.

To round off the end of our winter mooring the hotel boat, Louisa, which was moored with us for the duration, hosted a dinner party, and an enjoyable evening was had by all.  We had fabulous food, in good company.
Louisa's last night in Castelnaudary, winter 2016/17
To my delight, my trip to Carcassonne on 31 march, I found Buddlieas, Peonies, Roses, Wisteria and cherry trees of all colours in full bloom, with clematis in full bud. These alongside the spring bulbs. I still find it amazing that the blossoms are out and highly scented, at the same time as the spring bulbs.   This is all going on to the back drop of the snowy mountains still keeping their cool watch.

The snow capped Pyrenees - I LOVE them!
Walking the dogs at St. Ferreol

We're hoping that the lake will soon be filled up as its a feeder for the Canal du Midi. Otherwise there wont be enough water on the canals for us to move along.

Making the most of the few days we hired a car we picniced up in the mountains, toured the lower slopes of the Pyrenese, and visited Lavelanet which was previously a thriving industrial town producing fabrics, but now reduced to a few working factories and a museum.

Punch cards for Jacquard woven materials.

We also managed to visit friends, John and Lissie on Puddlestone at Capestang, and joined Jenny and David onboard Louisa for a drink.

We thought it would be a good idea to invite people to an Easter sunday drinks & nibbles, so we did!
The cool breeze didn't chill our guests enthusiasm!

Having invested in a new electric bike, we thought we ought to try it out.  

 It was a great success!
No more struggling uphills!