Sunday, 1 July 2018

July 2018

Moissaac is in full summer mode, with abundance of flowers everywhere, festivals and markets. The summer sun and heat has done nothing to deaden people's enthusiasum.
The bees just love these teasel flowers.

Festival time.

Port full!

Vie de grenier bargain.

Street juggler at the sunday market.

Le Chochon Noir, Gesina, Polaris,Effie,Drumsara, Daisy on the Tarn.
Pretty full down here also. Jim (Capitain) asked how long we are - 20M - you'll be OK there's 21 M gap between Le Cochon Noir and Polaris! He wasn't kidding!!!

There was very pleasant company here, with those we already knew and two Nic and Sally (another one!) on La Pomme de Mer. Although they've been along this stretch for several years, we'd never met them before, and probably won't again as sadly they have sold their boat and are returning to Zimbabwei.

We move along to Pommevic for the weekend and wait for the thunderstorms to pass. Moored on the opposite side are Nigel and Tricia on Sirius, Paul and Jane on Le'Escargot,  and a couple we don't know on Victoria.

Valence d'Agen was quite empty when we pulled in, not like two years ago when they were doing the annual summer pagent and all boats were gone. Sadly the pagent no longer takes place. We don't know why, but cost must be one factor, as they put a huge effort into organising things. But it seems such a waste having spent all that money on concrete paths to support the tiered seating, poles for lighting etc. and now for non of it to be used. And our side of the port is all over grown and derelict. Very sad.  On Saturday there was a huge street market all around the town, with animations and amusements for the children. All very colourful.

Empty port at Valence d'Agen
The colour of the water is due to flood water pouring down the canal. Someone must have had a LOT of rain. We hear that friends are in flood on the river Baise, and movement is halted!

As we had no access to water here (we're too big for the pontoons) I found a launderette so we now have some more clean clothes. Next time it will be a linen wash!

Unfortunately there was a very unpleasant incident behind us, caused by a boat flying a British flag. Saul Trader  from Gloucester tried to insist that the Swiss boat behind us move up to let him moor. But the Swiss man had chosen that particular spot as it was the right height for him (he was disabled), he could get a TV signal, and shade from bullrushes. Whereupon Mr Saul Trader shouted a tirade of abuse at the Swiss, angled his boat - all of 40tonnes, agaist the small ex-Locoboat and tried to shove them along. Much yelling, pushing and shoving ensued. All in port were agog. In the end Saul Trader leant againt an unoccupied small Swedish yacht behind the Locaboat for the night, and moved off the next day. When he came along to us for sympathy, I'm afriad in one of my rare moments of honest opinion, I didnt sympathise, but told him exactly what I thought of his outrageous behaviour. He wasn't best pleased. The next day however I felt justified in my opinion when a visiting friend confirmed that Saul Trader had a reputation for such bullying behaviour. Perhaps someone should have stood up to him before!
Bully boy tactics!

Tashi slept through it all, afterall 'they' do make a lovely pillow!

I think she needs the sleep as we are experiencing lots of thunder storms over night, and none of us are getting much sleep! They've been going on now for over a week, but at least I don't have to water my flowers every day!