Wednesday, 3 April 2019

APRIL 2019

Despite the recent drop in temperatures the birds obviously think summer has arrived. Swallows and swifts have arrived today (3rd April) and are swooping along the canal, feasting on the insects. Sometimes they stop and rest on our boat railings, and we can see the beautiful colours of their plumage. They are such graceful birds.

So it's time for us to go sightseeing before we move too far away from Castelnaudary. On Saturday 6th we went up Montolieu known famously for its many bookshops. These presumably arising from the historic printing works, now a village museum. The village 'pet' name is The Village of the Books.
They are real books - sacrilige!

Quaint streets.

Its the loo!

Appropriate shutters.
Apparently the following weekend there is a festival where many of the villages artists open their ateliers. So we will try to visit again next weekend to look around them.

A 'last' winter party on Antonia

 Barbeque at Villesequelande
Haggie & Tashi enjoying the afternoon.

Muriel's T shirts

Sing a-long