Monday, 20 January 2020

January 2020

Once the Christmas festivities were over we thought it wise to begin packing up the boat, so that we do just a little each day. This proved a good decision as we both succumbed to January illnesses.

We realised there will be a lot of boxes as we arrived in Holland with a completely full 3.5 ton van. All the contents went onto the boat. So it would seem logical that 3.5tons of belongings will need to be removed!

Boxes on the quayside, and nothing fell into the water!
Luckily it was a dry day, so lets hope that it will be the same when we move into our house.

However we started removing the easy things. First the pictures came down. Sorry BOFs you were the first!

Nigel's making the fatal mistake of reading things as he packs.  Newspapers we found are particularly interesting, when wrapping fragile objects!

On New Years Day it was so beautiful and sunny that we couldn't resist a walk around the Basin.
Wonderful blue skies, 1 January 2020